HAPPY NEW YEAR LADIES!! As I reflect on 2015, I can't help but smile with joy and be reminded of Romans 8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." Mike and I closed out the year in celebration and thankfulness for it is only by the Lord's grace we were able to experience such a great year with many highs and lows but all for our good. ♡

On New Years Eve, Mike and I shared our 2016 goals, prayed and encouraged each other. Over all this year we desire more discipline in our lives. Discipline to denying our flesh daily, discipline to put each others needs above our own and discipline to serve others more. We have posted our Goals in almost every room so we can see them and be reminded of them daily. 

This year I divided up my goals into four sections: Spiritual / Personal / Financial / Physical. I also wanted to share a few with you for accountability! A little tip the more specific the goal is the easier it is to accomplish! 


  1.  Grow in knowledege of the Lord by studying His word daily.
  2.  Memorize a passage/verse a week.


  1. Be a better wife
  2. Become a better cook! (This is a must) 
  3. Read at least one book a month. 


  2. Increase our giving. 


  1. Take better care of my body. (Eating better, Stretching, and increase our activity levels)

What are your 2016 goals? What are you most excited about with the new year? One thing I am especially excited for is to travel more and plan more trips together even if they are small staycations. Our hearts desperately desire children but as we wait patiently on the Lord we are choosing to make the best of it by enjoying each other and growing with one another. ♡ 

I wish you all a Happy New Year filled with a desire to grow closer to the Lord! 

"Jesus said unto him: Follow Me!" John 21:19

We have come now to the last day of the year! For a whole year in these daily readings, we have been walking with Christ. Is there any better word with which to close this book and close the year, than this last invitation of Jesus, "Follow Me!" This is the true outcome of all learning of Christ. Mere knowledge, though it be of spiritual things, avails nothing--except as it leads us tofollow Christ.

We have seen Jesus in all the different phases of His life. We have heard many of His words. Now it remains only for us to follow Him. The outcome of seeing and knowing Jesus--should be holy living and doing. The last day of the year suggests also the same duty.

Who is satisfied with his life as it appears in retrospect? The past, however blotted, must go as it is; we cannot change it, and we need not waste time in regretting. But the new year is before us, and if we would make that better than the stained past, it must be by following Christ more closely.

To follow Christ is to go where He leads--without questioning or murmuring. It may be to a life of trialsuffering, or sacrifice--but it does not matter; we have nothing whatever to do with thekind of life to which our Lord calls us. Our only simple duty is to obey and follow. We know that Jesus will lead us only in right paths, and that the way He takes slopes upward and ends at the feet of God!

The new year on which we are about to enter is unopened, and we know not what shall befall us; but if we follow Christ we need have no fear. So let us leave the old year with gratitude to God for its mercies, and with penitence for its failures and sins; and let us enter the new year with earnest resolve in Christ's name to make it the holiest and most beautiful year we have ever lived.

   ~  ~  ~  ~                              J.R. Miller