Year 1 as Parents.png

But as amazing as this year has been I can’t say it hasn’t had its challenges. For me, the biggest challenge was simply being a mom for the first time. Having zero experience, credibility, or clue of what to do. The first couple of months were filled with tons of insecurity but then a turning point occurs in which you finally get a grip on life and the confidence increases. (as well as the desire for more babies hahaha hence getting pregnant at 6 months pp)

A few things that helped me:

  1. Trusting in God’s word, seeking his word daily and resting in his promises.

  2. SOCIAL MEDIA…as crazy as this may sound, I cannot tell you how much this helped me! I LOVED following other mom’s on social media that had a similar lifestyle and interests as me. Every stage was so new to me experiencing postpartum, the newborn stage, the infant stage, switching to formula, all of it was so unknown and being able to see how other moms do life helped me so much! Gave me so much hope that life didn’t have to drastically change but that if it did change it would be for the better.

  3. Lastly, God’s Grace and resting in that. I made so many mistakes it would take a lifetime to list but resting in God’s grace allows me to keep going and not carry the heaviness of guilt. Right before I had Michael a dear family member reminded me of God’s mercy over our lives and how we as mothers can press the reset button every day all day.

I rest in this: God’s grace is enough and more than I deserve. We as mothers have a high calling that requires us to rely on His grace each and every moment. There is no perfect mother but with God’s grace, we are able to get the job done. Thank you for following along in my journey and for every bit of love and encouragement you have sent my way! I love you ladies!! xoxo
