

A question I get asked frequently is how do I organize my kitchen and it’s the best compliment ever. I appreciate and love all things organization but it takes work, consistency, and at the end of the day it needs to become a part of your lifestyle for things to remain organized. Right now due to the season of life that I am in with 2 under 2, I’m not as organized as I would like to be but I thought I would share some tips that help in creating an organized lifestyle.

1. Less is More - this is the quickest and easiest way to organize.

2. For items in the kitchen…If you haven’t used an item in over 2 months toss, donate, or giveaway. (I wouldn’t apply this to season/holiday items)

3. Reassess in 6 months as to what you need to get rid of, keep, or donate.

4. Do you have more than one item that serves the same purpose? Example do you have a crock pot and an instapot? Evaluate which one you use more and ask yourself if you really need both.

5. Below I have linked my favorite drawer organizers/ cabinet organizers.

Click Here for a Blogpost on How I organize Michael’s things.

Maybe in 6 months or so when Apollos is a little older I can actually spend more time organizing ;)

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