

When my mom snapped this family photo of us, my heart was full like we were missing something all along and now it’s complete. ♡

I have never wanted to hold Apollos in my arms like I did during my last two weeks of pregnancy. I was so blessed to have such a wonderful and smooth pregnancy until the last two weeks. The swelling in my legs and feet started off as uncomfortable and quickly became unbearable. Those that are really close to me know how much I hate weakness and having to be dependent on any kind of help was hard for me to admit.


I was scheduled for my 38-week check-up and I scheduled it on a Saturday so that Mike could drive me, but I remember that Friday dreaded even having to go, at this point, I was so over being pregnant because of the swelling in my legs in feet–It hurt to walk, sit, stand, you name it. I just kept praying for the baby to come, and the last thing I wanted was to force my midwives to induce the baby because I was “being weak”. I saw my midwife that Saturday morning and expressed to her how I was feeling and she was concerned for me too and went over some options that we could do to get baby to come. Well, fast forward a couple of days still no baby. My parents flew in on Tuesday to help with Michael so that I could take it easy and just wait patiently on the baby, but the amount of discomfort and pain just grew..my biggest worry was that I wouldn’t have enough strength to push the baby out because of how unbearable it was to put any kind of pressure on my legs. On Thursday I had my 39-week appt (I was 38 weeks and 5 days) and we took a more aggressive approach, another membrane sweep was preformed and a balloon induction was inserted, but it wasn’t until that night when my midwives came over that labor started. My midwives showed up around 10 pm and they went over my options, risks, concerns, etc and we decided to go ahead and break my water. Around 11 pm they broke my water and half an hour later my contractions started. Our sweet baby boy was born at 6:24 am! ♡ My labor and delivery were so much faster this time around but it felt so much more exhausting and draining, I literally didn’t think I could do it, but by God’s grace, we did it! This time around the only people present were Mike and my midwife–I literally could not have done it without them. I feel so blessed to have been able to have Apollos at home, as exhausted as I was it was so peaceful to be home and I loved that I labored all night long while Michael was asleep. My heart is so full with my two boys…We love you Apollos…We didn’t know we were missing something until you came into our lives! We love you, baby boy! I prayed so long for children and now my arms are filled with joy and love! All to the Lord I owe!

"Whenever a woman is in labor she has pain, because her hour has come; but when she gives birth to the child, she no longer remembers the anguish because of the joy that a child has been born into the world.” John 16:21

Our amazing midwives, RiverCity Midwifery, I could not have done this without them…Mike and I are forever grateful!